The advent and growth of resistance phenomena to antibiotics has reached critical levels,\ninvalidating the action of a majority of antibiotic drugs currently used in the clinical field. Several\ninnovative techniques, such as the nanotechnology, can be applied for creating innovative drug\ndelivery systems designed to modify drug release itself and/or drug administration route;\nmoreover, they have proved suitable for overcoming the phenomenon of antibiotic resistance.\nElectrospun nanofibers, due to their useful structural properties, are showing promising results as\nantibiotic release devices for preventing bacteria biofilm formation after surgical operation and for\nlimiting resistance phenomena. In this work gentamicin sulfate (GS) was loaded into polylactide-copolycaprolactone\n(PLA-PCL) electrospun nanofibers; quantification and in vitro drug release\nprofiles in static and dynamic conditions were investigated; GS kinetic release from nanofibers was\nstudied using mathematical models. A preliminary microbiological test was carried out towards\nStaphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli bacteria.